Welcome to the Pest Identification Tool
This Pest Identification Tool is brought to you by Nursery & Garden Industry Queensland.
The tool is provided to assist the horticultural industries in identifying and treating
pest insects, diseases, disorders & weeds. It also includes information on beneficial
insects as biocontrol treatments.
You can view the information in the tool on your computer or mobile device. The tool is
unique because it is electronic and portable - a virtual library of practical, relevant
information at your fingertips. You will discover many uses for the tool in supporting
your on-farm operations, including:
- Pest, disease, disorder, weed and beneficial monitoring
- Management of endemic plant pests
- Inspection of incoming stock at receival
- Inspection of stock at dispatch.
Additional information will be added to this resource over time as it becomes available,
including more images of host plant symptoms and information about new pest threats.
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The Pest ID Tool Is FREE For All Users
New users will be required to register their login details and activate an account. Existing and past users can use their current login details.
Information provided for registration is not sold on or used for any purpose outside of the Pest ID Tool.
The Pest Identification Tool was developed by Nursery & Garden Industry Queensland,
with support and assistance from Greenlife Industry Australia, Hort Innovation, and
Plant Health Australia.